Business Process Modeling Course

Description: Business runs on process and process runs the business. This course explores a business process modeling framework that will help you outline the key tasks and steps needed for process modeling and to define the success factors of what a successful process should look like. Our business process model is practical, simple and straight forward, providing a methodology neutral approach for greater process modeling success. This course provides the essential steps and approaches to create new business processes as well as make modifications to existing business processes. You will also learn and understand how to facilitate modeling sessions to keep them focused and productive!

Length: 2-Days

CDU/PDU: Earn 14 CDU/PDU for both IIBA and PMI certification

Prerequisites: We recommend the Introduction to Business Analysis course or equivalent experience.

Intended Audience: Anyone that facilitates or leads business process modeling sessions, requires an understanding of business process modeling techniques or is active in business process improvement activities.  Business process modeling is a core skill for all business analysts.


  • Introduction to business process modeling

  • Why business process modeling is important in all approaches (Waterfall, Agile, Incremental)

  • Understand from a high-level an industry standard (BPM framework)

  • Understand a simpler approach to business process modeling

  • Understand how and when to construct different business process models

  • Understand the purpose of the current state “as-is” and future state “to-be” models

  • Working with happy path and alternative paths in process flows

  • Practice several types of business process maps

Course Topics

  • Define and understand business process modeling

  • Understanding business process modeling benefits

  • Understanding the differences between UML and ANSI standards

  • Look at an industry standard – BPM framework

  • The process of business process modeling

  • Understand a simpler framework for process modeling

  • Understanding process levels (levels of detail high to low)

  • Understanding the appropriate levels for process modeling – how much detail should there be?

  • Using business process modeling for “As-is” and “To-be” states

  • Approaches to mapping business processes

  • How to facilitate the modeling session

  • Building a process map and process scenarios

  • Understanding happy path vs. alternative paths

  • Understanding handoffs (pre and post conditions)

  • Understanding triggers

  • Practice looking for errors in a business process

  • Correct a business process map

  • Correct a swim lane diagram

  • How to use and practice documenting several approaches to business process modeling

    • Process map

    • Swim lane

    • SIPOC

    • Value stream

    • Spaghetti diagram

    • Activity diagram

    • State diagram

    • Hierarchy

  • Understanding inputs, outputs, business rules and triggers associated with each process step

business analyst IIBA endorsed education provider

The Uncommon League is an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider.  This course is aligned with the BABOK 3.0.

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