Privacy Policy / Data Privacy

We collect your first name, last name and email address to track and verify your subscription, enrollment(s) in course(s), to notify you by email of your progress or completion of courses and to subscribe you to our newsletter. stores this information on our behalf. This information is never disclosed to third-parties by us.

You can unsubscribe from all these email communications by clicking the unsubscribe button in the email you received. You can also contact us at to manually request us to cancel your subscription.

Data regarding credit card purchases is handled by meets PCI standards for credit card processing. We don't store credit information of any kind for any reason on this site. The information you provide on the credit card or purchasing screens is used strictly by for the purposes of validating the credit card purchase with the issuing bank and other credit card processors.

Information regarding answers to quizzes, polls, or tests are not shared or stored. Your reviews of courses and products may be shared with other subsidiaries of The Uncommon League for Marketing purposes.

Verification of attendance is not provided. Students are encouraged to keep the completion email once the course is completed as proof of attendance. We are not able to verify your attendance in any course to any standards or certification body. Upon request of the student, we can provide a certificate of completion. For copies of certificates, please contact with your first name, last name, email address you used to register for the course and the course title. We will respond with a certificate copy if we are able to match the information provided. Bulk requests for certificates are prohibited.

Cookies are used on this site for checkout and shopping cart functinoality only to help us remember what items you have in your cart.

Please contact for any questions regarding data privacy.