Product Management Boot Camp

Our Product Management Boot Camp is designed for anyone who is interested in becoming a Product Manager or for Product Managers that are currently in a Product Management role that wish to sharpen their Product Management Skills.

Explore the foundations of Product Management, understand the Product Manager role and how they effectively work with Product Owners, Business Analysts, and team members. Build a strong and effective strategy for a product, create a meaningful value proposition for the product to drive innovation, and build product roadmaps. Learn how to model a product using your strategy and how modeling is used to improve the product strategy. Build and illuminate your product’s North Star. Discover techniques to fully understand your customers and explore the customer centered mindset. create meaningful metrics, learn how to embrace evidence based decision models, reveal roadblocks, and explore common product metrics.

Course Length: 3 days

Type: Virtual - This course is virtual using the Zoom platform.

CDU/PDU: Earn 21 CDU/PDU for both IIBA and PMI certification

Prerequisites: Some experience with Product Management will be helpful, but it is not required.

What We Cover

Product Management Foundations

  • Product Manager role and responsibilities

  • Learn the core competencies of a product manager

  • Understanding product team roles. Explore the differences and similarities between the Product Manager, Product Owner, Business Analyst, and team members

  • Explore key concepts and competencies including the stages of product development and the product life cycle

  • Understand design thinking for products

  • Discover how to use strategic thinking for products

  • Understand and engage in shifting mindsets from projects to products and understanding different approaches to internal facing or external customer facing products

Developing Product Strategy

  • Discover techniques to discover and evaluate product opportunities

  • Learn to define your product’s business value,

  • Explore establishing a North Star to guide your product

  • Build a value proposition for your product

  • Build a prioritized product roadmap

  • Learn to build a business case for your product

Modeling and Analyzing Products

  • Discover the Product Canvas Model

  • Build a fully realized product strategy with the Product Canvas Model to identify suppliers, supply chains, pricing models, customer market segments, marketing plans, expense models, and more to align to your North Star and value proposition.

  • Discover the differences in product model types from customer driven, supplier driven, and value driven to uncover the best model for your product.

Building a Customer Centered Mindset

  • Explore techniques to identify and analyze customers and user types

  • Learn how to build and analyze the customer experience in a meaningful way to create product innovation

  • Explore and analyze the customer experience and journey

  • Understand Customer Experience vs Product Experience

  • Discover approaches to managing feature requests, new product capabilities, and bug fixes

Product Metric and Measurements

  • Experience new approaches to building the North Star metric for your product, decide what you should be measuring to drive product innovation

  • Build a team that utilizes an evidence based decision model

  • Learn how to reveal roadblocks and risks to your product by knowing what measurements are most effective at discovering problems and risks

  • Explore multiple instrusty standard metrics and determine which metrics will work best for your product and marketplace.

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