Agile Business Analyst Boot Camp

Our Agile Business Analysis Boot Camps are designed for current Business Analysts that are working in an Agile team or helping to transform a team into an Agile environment. Our courses provide a practical approach to having Business Analysis and Agile work together effectively.

Explore the role of the Business Analyst on the Agile team and how to effectively work with all Agile and hybrid roles. Dive into the Product Owner role to explore hands-on how this role works within a pure Agile or hybrid team. Learn how to write better user stories and cards, acceptance criteria, ensure minimal viable product, and align to the overall product strategy. Learn exciting new elicitation and collaboration techniques to achieve amazing results. Learn how to use Agile Story Maps to manage the product backlog and stakeholder elicitation.

Boot Camp Length: 3 days

Type: Virtual - This course is virtual using the Zoom platform.

CDU/PDU: Earn 21 CDU/PDU for both IIBA and PMI certification

Prerequisites: Some experience with Business Analysis will be helpful, but it is not required.

What We Cover

Business Analysis in Agile

  • Where the business analyst fits within Agile teams, regardless of your “flavor of agile”

  • Why the BA role does not have to be complicated in an Agile world

  • How to increase your effectiveness as a Business Analyst in an Agile environment

  • How to elicit and communicate requirements in an Agile environment

  • Writing user stories

  • How to develop acceptance criteria

  • How the story mapping can transform requirements and big ideas into usable stories

  • How to work with a Product Owner or Business SME to understand stakeholders

Agile Product Owner

  • Understand the role of the product owner as envisioned for Scrum and various approaches to adapt the role within your organization

  • Defining Vision: for the product or the project

  • How a strong product vision will keep the development team on course

  • How Release Planning is used to make your vision attainable

  • Where prioritization fits in and why it matters to you and to the team

Writing Better User Stories (Cards)

  • Stories, Acceptance Criteria… what does it all mean?

  • Debunk the myths and untangle the confusion around definition of done, definition of ready, and acceptance criteria

  • Approaches for creating well written stories and acceptance criteria

  • Understanding Minimum Viable Product and how to ensure it is present in all stories

  • Ensuring stories are right sized

  • How stories fit into the backlogs (that’s right, there’s more than one backlog!) and story maps

Agile Elicitation and Collaboration

  • Identify and understand barriers to analysis within an agile environment and what needs to change

  • Understanding Minimum Viable Product and how to ensure it is present in all stories

  • How to make elicitation faster and more productive using elements of gamification

  • Practice some modern elicitation techniques

  • Understand where our stakeholder analysis will enhance our work

Agile Story Maps Course

  • What is a story map?

  • When & Why to use story maps

  • How to create a story map

  • What to do to add details and create context with the map

  • How story maps help during estimation, refinement, and planning events

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