Agile Product Owner Boot Camp

Our Product Owner Boot Camp is designed for current Product Owners or those wanting to move into a Product Owner role working with an Agile or Hybrid team. This certificate provides modern and collaborative approaches to writing user stories, backlog concepts and management, developing story maps, and creating vision and strategy for the overall product.

Explore and understand the Product Owner role, key activities for the role, and techniques for being an effective Product Owner. Discover the key purpose of the Agile Story Map and work to build a story map. Learn hands-on to manage the backlog, refine and prioritize the backlog, and discover new techniques to ensure your backlog is in great shape. We’ll take on how to write better user stories and cards by learning how to build user stories and cards and how to diagnosis those that are not so good. Learn about the Product Owners role in product strategy and how to align the backlog to the product strategy.

Course Length: 3 Days

Type: Virtual - This course is virtual using the Zoom platform.

CDU/PDU: Earn 21 CDU/PDU for both IIBA and PMI certification

Prerequisites: Some experience with Business Analysis will be helpful, but it is not required.

What We Cover

Agile Product Owner

  • Understand the role of the product owner as envisioned for Scrum and various approaches to adapt the role within your organization

  • Defining Vision: for the product or the project

  • How a strong product vision will keep the development team on course

  • How Release Planning is used to make your vision attainable

  • Where prioritization fits in and why it matters to you and to the team

Backlog Management

  • Just how many backlogs should a team have?

  • What should be included or excluded in the backlog

  • How to ensure your backlog is DEEP, DAPPER, well groomed, and ready for action

  • What is the super-secret sixth Scrum ceremony, and why it is critical for team success

Writing Better User Stories (Cards)

  • Stories, Acceptance Criteria… what does it all mean?

  • Debunk the myths and untangle the confusion around definition of done, definition of ready, and acceptance criteria

  • Approaches for creating well written stories and acceptance criteria

  • Understanding Minimum Viable Product and how to ensure it is present in all stories

  • Ensuring stories are right sized

  • How stories fit into the backlogs (that’s right, there’s more than one backlog!) and story maps

Scheduled Dates / Register

Agile Vision & Strategy

  • How skills and deliverables from traditional analysis and project management translate into Agile artifacts

  • The many types of scope we manage within our work

  • Techniques to create road maps and visions to communicate where we need to go

  • How a story map helps us see our goals in both the long and short term

  • How to put your stakeholders and users in the center of your universe, even when you can’t talk to them

Agile Story Maps

  • What is a story map?

  • When & Why to use story maps

  • How to create a story map

  • What to do to add details and create context with the map

  • How story maps help during estimation, refinement, and planning events