Business Analysis

Today is Handwriting Day!

Today is Handwriting Day!

January 23rd is National Handwriting Day!  As a Business Analyst it is always important to build strong relationships with your team, stakeholders and sponsors.  A hand written thank you note is a nice personal touch when saying thank you to team members for helping you.  Saying thank you and being grateful is important pert of building and maintaining strong relationships. 

Bob the BA is Now 100% Wind Powered

Bob the BA is Now 100% Wind Powered

It's official - Arcadia Energy has certified that Bob the BA offices are now 100% wind powered.  Bob the BA is proud to have it's offices powered by fully renewable energy to help reduce our carbon foot print.  In conjunction with our other GREEN initiatives of reducing waste and recycling, this furthers our goal to being a better corporate citizen.

Watch Bob's TED Talk

Watch Bob's TED Talk

Bob's "TED Talk" from IIBA Minneapolis - St Paul Chapter's Professional Development Day on September 2016.  Find out how Blooms, Balloons, and Beatles work to make you a better business analyst in a career that is constantly under siege and changing.  Bob is a highly respected business analysis and leadership speaker at North American conferences and this video shows you why. Watch it today to Think, Learn and Work Differently.

You Suck – And That’s Good

You Suck – And That’s Good

No one wins a gold medal without practice.  You don’t just pop out of the womb with the ability to throw a discus or javelin to new world record lengths.  Of course a natural talent in that DNA of yours helps, but in the end, it takes practice and time.  The same applies to business analysis or any other skill.  It takes time, experience and practice to be the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.  Nobody created a perfect context diagram or process flow the first time they did it.  We all started from the place of not knowing and started learning.

Are You Being a Design Illusionist?

Are You Being a Design Illusionist?

As business analysts, we are often in the fray of designing.  Whether it’s a user interface, report or data fed from one system to another; business analysts create interfaces with human beings and systems.  Our design choices impact users and other systems in a very real way.  This power can go unnoticed even in our own minds.