
Fun Theory - Can Climbing Stairs Be More Fun?

Fun Theory - Can Climbing Stairs Be More Fun?

As Business Analysts and Designers, are we putting the "Fun" into our designs to make them easier to use and more utilized?  Is it possible to take the ordinary and make it extra-ordinary and fun?  Watch this video from Volkswagen on how to take the everyday and turn it into something special - and dare I say it - into fun!

Virtually Better

Virtually Better

Virtual online meetings and training have certainly gotten a bad reputation over the last few years.  It was like you were listening to a radio station that wasn’t quite tuned in.  You just couldn’t quite hear and see everything that was going on.  You were being talked at but didn’t get to talk back or ask questions.  The writing on the presentation was in tiny print and unreadable.  There is a BETTER way.

We Learn Best By Doing

We Learn Best By Doing

Remember when you first learned to bake cookies?  How about when your dad showed you how to use a hand saw?  I’m confident you didn’t learn those lessons by reading a book or having you sit in a classroom.  You learned them – and always remembered them – because you got to see how to do it in the real world.  You got to apply what you learned right way.