
Parachutes and User Experiences in Business Solutions

Parachutes and User Experiences in Business Solutions

Experience Week started in 1996 as a way of involving people in experiencing air-related activities. Primarily we are talking about jumping out of a plane with a parachute. Most of a Business Analyst's air-related experiences revolve around breathing in stuffy conference rooms or perhaps the occasional embarrassing hiccup. In Business Analysis, we create experiences for users by facilitating a clear vision, eliciting requirements, designing and managing organizational change to deliver exceptional value to our users. When you think of a business solution experience, what comes to your mind?

The Skeptical Business Analyst – 9 Tools to Build a Baloney Detection Kit

The Skeptical Business Analyst – 9 Tools to Build a Baloney Detection Kit

Skeptical is a highly-charged word. Are you skeptical? In business being skeptical is akin to being a nay-sayer, difficult to work with, not being a team player or a trouble maker. Skeptical does not need to be destructive or negative. You do not have to be a jerk to be skeptical. Skeptical can mean looking at things with a critical eye respectfully and politely to create thoughtful and meaningful discussions to elicit business requirements and build business solutions.

Are You Being a Design Illusionist?

Are You Being a Design Illusionist?

As business analysts, we are often in the fray of designing.  Whether it’s a user interface, report or data fed from one system to another; business analysts create interfaces with human beings and systems.  Our design choices impact users and other systems in a very real way.  This power can go unnoticed even in our own minds.