Here are tips for any leader who wants to tap into the power of creativity, from CEOs who want to revolutionize their offices to junior managers.
How to Develop Team Resiliency to Navigate Change
Adaptability: Creating Transforming Understanding
Adaptability: Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes
To learn more about someone, you need to walk in a mile in their shoes. Or so the old proverb goes. Well hopefully not literally walking in someone’s shoes. I know there are a few pairs of shoes I wouldn’t want to walk in like Bomb Disposal, Neuro Surgery or Manure Spreader. Walking in the shoes of Broadway Singer, Best Selling Author, and Sci-Fi Geek is more my style. What that proverb is really saying is that if you really want to know and understand someone you need to walk in their shoes or at least follow them around in a non-stalker this-won’t-get-a-restraining-order-put-on-me sort of way.