Focused Training

Never Anytime to Learn

Never Anytime to Learn

Learning shouldn’t be a luxury. But time is never on anyone’s side.  It moves fast and is always getting away from you.  Learning takes a back seat to just getting things done.  A fire drill or critical issue is always just waiting around the corner to blow up your schedule.  There just isn’t any time to learn.  I’m always learning and getting excited by new ideas and concepts.  Learning gets my mind going and I can think of new ways to apply this new knowledge.  Or it leads me down a new path I didn’t even know existed.  We all need time to learn and to grow.  But how do we fit it in?  

Why Can't Business Analysis Training be like YouTube?

Why Can't Business Analysis Training be like YouTube?

YouTube, TedTalks, and even those cat videos in Facebook are in our lives every day.  They are pretty easy to use and in the case of Facebook those cat videos just start on their own.  This got me thinking – why isn’t business analysis training more like YouTube or TedTalks?