Business Analysis

Remove the Competition

Remove the Competition

We hear those words constantly: We need to be more competitive.  Competition is good and competition is bad.  When it’s your company’s product against another companies’ product it’s good.  When competition is within the team things go bad and teams become less than productive.  Team Members are so busy trying to sabotage and undermine each other they forget the reason they were all brought together in the first place – to make things happen. 

Is Bias Destroying Our Decisions?

Is Bias Destroying Our Decisions?

Bias is a business analyst’s and organization’s worst nightmare.  It leads to a decrease in product quality and creates a bad environment in which to make decisions and leads the project team to see the entire world through rose colored glasses.  Bias can cause a chain reaction of bad decisions and miscommunications causing all sorts of problems on your project.  Bias also creates a world in which change and innovation becomes nearly impossible.

We Learn Best By Doing

We Learn Best By Doing

Remember when you first learned to bake cookies?  How about when your dad showed you how to use a hand saw?  I’m confident you didn’t learn those lessons by reading a book or having you sit in a classroom.  You learned them – and always remembered them – because you got to see how to do it in the real world.  You got to apply what you learned right way. 

Never Anytime to Learn

Never Anytime to Learn

Learning shouldn’t be a luxury. But time is never on anyone’s side.  It moves fast and is always getting away from you.  Learning takes a back seat to just getting things done.  A fire drill or critical issue is always just waiting around the corner to blow up your schedule.  There just isn’t any time to learn.  I’m always learning and getting excited by new ideas and concepts.  Learning gets my mind going and I can think of new ways to apply this new knowledge.  Or it leads me down a new path I didn’t even know existed.  We all need time to learn and to grow.  But how do we fit it in?  

Why Can't Business Analysis Training be like YouTube?

Why Can't Business Analysis Training be like YouTube?

YouTube, TedTalks, and even those cat videos in Facebook are in our lives every day.  They are pretty easy to use and in the case of Facebook those cat videos just start on their own.  This got me thinking – why isn’t business analysis training more like YouTube or TedTalks? 

Being a Life Saver - Onboarding New Project Team Members

Being a Life Saver - Onboarding New Project Team Members

In general, when the new shiny project appears - we forget to on board ourselves with other roles such as the project manager and other team members.  We assume we all know what our roles are and what we are going to deliver but most of time we aren’t quite singing the same song.  That's why when someone new joins the team that on boarding is so important to the project.  The best time to set expectations of activities that are to be performed by each team member is best.