The Uncommon League

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Marathons and Business Analysts

There is a marathon event in almost every city in the US at some point during the year. Thousands of athletes lace up their running shoes to run 26.2 miles. However, they didn’t get there by just a few days of training. Runners trained over a few months to get ready.   It's very impressive accomplishment.

As a trainer, I noticed something was very different between how we train an athlete and a Business Analyst.   Athletes put together a schedule and train over a period of months.   Business Analysts sit in a classroom for 2-3 days. Athletes have coaches that help them get through the rough spots. This is not a coach in sight for the Business Analyst. Athletes go out and practice. Business Analysts sit and learn about theory while skills and techniques are dumped on them in a rapid pace without time to actually use it. Training this way is not working for business analysis. The "drink from the fire hose" and out the door is not working. Six months after taking the training and you barely remember 30%! We needed to think DIFFERENTLY.

At Bob the BA our Virtual workshop subscriptions allow you to get the training you want with the most flexibility.  
Focused 2 hour sessions that happen every other week. You should stop drinking from a fire hose and give yourself time to digest the skills and techniques presented in the workshops. Learn by doing with downloadable examples, templates and materials in-between sessions. 
Train on your schedule – attend the workshop live or download the workshop to watch on your schedule.  
Miss a workshop? All our workshops are recorded and available to download later. 
Need a refresher? Play back the entire workshop or just the parts you need. 

Pricing that won’t break your bank. 
Need a coach? We provide group virtual mentoring and coaching to reinforce the learning and help you apply it back on the job. 
Check out Bob the BA training today.